Office Clerks' Journeys

This website gives an impression of our travels over the years. Via the buttons below you can gradually choose a specific trip, area or topic.

The menu can also be accessed via the symbol at the top right . In addition to the main sections, this also allows you to maneuver faster within the journey you are currently viewing.

Scandinava May/June 2024

In May and June we made a four week train trip through Sweden and Norway, ending with a visit to Copenhagen. During this trip we visited quite a few cities, but also saw a surprising amount of nature. The website contains the three 'letters home' that we sent, plus a wide selection of photos. Here is the link.

Zeearend op de Lofoten, Noorwegen

White-tailed eagle at Lofoten, Norway

Morocco March-April 2024

In March-April we've made a 16-day tour through Morocco with the Belgian organization Verkiko. We saw a lot in that short time. The website contains the two 'letters home' that we sent, plus a wide selection of photos. Here is the link.

Vrouw haalt water in Chefchaouen, Marokko


Last trip of 2023

After our Suriname trip in 2018, we wanted to visit a number of highlights there again. We combined this with (British) Guyana in November 2023. In both countries we have again concentrated on special nature reserves with excellent guides. The four 'letters home' sent out have already been posted on the website. Here is the link.

Giant anteater with baby on back (Karanambu)

Giant anteater with baby on back (Karanambu)

Foreign visitors

This is a Dutch website about the many journeys we have made. At the moment only a few webpages have been translated into English, and no other languages are supported. Please look at 'Information for non Dutch visitors'.