Letters home > overview
overview of all letters home
Afbeelding van een ouderwetse postbesteller in de tropen
An old style postman

During our world trip we started sending 'letters home'. After the world trip, we continued to send letters on longer trips (we continued to call them letters, even though they are now of course emails). We also decided to write some letters for some of the more recent shorter trips.

You can find the letters as a menu option for the relevant trip. For the sake of clarity, the links to all letters are below.

tripnumber of
world tour 1996-199946link
South America 200610link
Peking-St Petersburg 200716link
The Netherlands - Mongolia 20107link
Eastern Europe 20126link
Kaukasus 20132link
Central America 20148link
Southeast Asia 2015-201610link
Indonesia 20162link
Bulgaria 20173link
Iceland 20172link
Surinam 20182link
Western Canada 20182link
Sri Lanka and India 20195link
Birds of paradise Papua 20192link
Southeast Europe 20225link
Madagascar 20224link
Spain and Portugal 20233link
Suriname and Guyana 20234link
Morocco 20242link
Scandinavia 20243link
Brazil 20245link